Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Results Vikas WSP

Visit at below link to get results of Vikas WSP declared on 20/06/2006

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Alert for: Vikas WSP

Alert for: Vikas WSP

Pvt firm employee on the run after duping many

Times of India – India

An employee of a private company, Pioneer Securities Pvt Ltd, is absconding after duping a score of people into parting with about Rs 25 lakh. They include several retired persons, a widow and some businessmen........ Gupta had persuaded the gullible people to invest their money in purchasing shares of Vikas WSP Co. However, victims are claiming that the total amount of funds invested by them in the company's shares is currently valued at about a crore of rupees............

Appeals Going on Dead Ears

I have seen in the past 6 years hundreds of appeals like Mr. D.K.Sharma(Wg Cdr) making to SEBI , Vikas WSP promoters & all related institutions but in the last 6 years noone listens to investors grievances. Everyone on the other side is just indifferent to the plight of the investors. Nobody is bothered about investors as it makes little difference to them what is happening to investors. My dear Friends, this is India & not USA where things are taken strongly like Enron. Enron founder is on trial for his misdeeds in Enron. Let's hope best that appeals like Mr. D.K.Sharma(Wg Cdr) to SEBI etc. bring some fruit but seeing from the past records of SEBI etc. they are hardly going to do anything about relisting of Vikas WSP. Rather they have made up their mind to delist Vikas WSP permanently from the BSE. There is hardly any real buyer at 15-20 Rs./share also & GOD only knows what's in store for its investors. Let's hope for the best.....................

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Vikas WSP is a Fraud Company

Vikas WSP is a company run by Fraud people as they are not at all interested in Relisting its Shares. People who are having its shares are not able to sell these shares since 2001. Neither SEBI nor Finance Ministry is bothered about the plight of the investors. Company shows good profit in their balance sheet but do not give a single pie to its shareholders, neither they are bothered about getting it relisted on the stock exchanges. Its promoters are a cheat of the highest class........Mr. Finance Minister of India, if you are listening to all this, then take action about it, otherwise people shall think of you also as a Politician of indifferent nature only...............